email marketing campaign

Top 10 strategies and tips for successful email marketing campaign in 2022

Email marketing is an easy and affordable tool that entrepreneurs can use to grow their small businesses, but many don’t know where to start. Need details on how to send a successful email marketing campaign? Here’s everything you need to know.

Knowing your target audience and constantly optimizing your campaigns to build on your success are the keys to any successful email marketing campaign. Everything from audience targeting to email personalization plays a role in obtaining those coveted opens, clicks, and purchases. If you’re dissatisfied with the results of your email marketing campaign, try one or more of the following suggestions to improve the performance of your email marketing campaign.

The Top 10 Effective Email Marketing Campaign Strategies.

1. Target Your Emails to the Right Recipients

Almost every failed email marketing campaign didn’t work because the sender treated every recipient the same. The person who loves blue wallpaper got the blanket email with green wallpaper. Those who liked green wallpaper were happy, but the rest were alienated. Don’t make the same mistake. You should gather as much data as you can, from geographic location to customer buying habits. Take a look at that data and segment your list accordingly. It’s okay if you have a group of people who love one type of service you offer and another group who don’t care.

2. Clean your email list

The biggest challenge in email marketing is making sure emails arrive in subscribers’ inboxes. This is known as email deliverability. 

To avoid deliverability issues, it’s essential to regularly clean your email list. 

What exactly do we mean by “list cleaning”? List cleaning is the process of removing unengaged email addresses from your contact list as well as contacts who unsubscribe.

You may be thinking, “What good will deleting contacts do? I worked long and hard to build my list! “

Yes, exactly! To make the most of your marketing efforts in growing your list, you must prune it from time to time. You’re left with a higher quality list after removing unengaged contacts, unsubscribed contacts, contacts who mark your content as spam, and email addresses that bounce. 

This helps enhance the overall deliverability of your emails and your sender reputation over time. 

Therefore, even though it may seem counterintuitive, routinely eliminating inactive and unengaged email addresses is essential to an efficient email marketing strategy. 

3. Promotions aren’t everything.

While expanding your business is the ultimate goal of email marketing, you must understand that promotions are not the main focus of this strategy. Establishing and maintaining positive relationships with your customers must be at the center of your email marketing strategy.

These positive connections will give your customers lifetime value and serve as the engine for your company’s expansion.

4. Optimize your calls-to-action 

If you don’t ask your customers to take action beyond simply looking at your products, what’s the point of sending them an email? Your call to action can ask customers to do a variety of things, such as click on a link, participate in a survey, or make a purchase. Whatever call to action you choose, just make sure you actually have one in the emails you send.

5. Create a Compelling Subject Line

Your subject line will determine whether customers open or delete your email. Do your due diligence. Create an honest, compelling subject line to capture your customers’ attention. Choose subject lines that will pique the recipient’s interest while also telling the truth.

Keep these things in mind when you create and send your email campaigns. Even though there’s always room for improvement, following these suggestions will increase your open rates and ROI.

6. Use segmentation to send more targeted content 

You can send content that is more pertinent to your audience by segmenting your email list into like-minded groups. You may choose to segment your audience based on their demographics, interests, behaviors, or information about their personas, such as their place of residence or employment.

You can use your signup form to gather this information. Think about posing questions to new subscribers like:

  • What industry/position they work in.
  • How often they’d like to receive your emails
  • Where they are in the world
  • What products/services of yours interest them most.

Other segmentation strategies include dividing contacts into groups based on the links they’ve clicked in your emails or the lead magnet they originally signed up for.

7. Use A/B Testing

As a savvy email marketer, you should consistently test out new concepts and email strategies to identify the one that gets you closer to your goals. But don’t blindly choose an idea (like a new subject line) and implement it in your campaigns. Instead, you can use split testing or A/B testing to see if the new idea is more effective than your current approach.

A/B testing allows you to send emails with one variation of the subject line to a group of your subscribers and a different variation to another group. When the campaign is over, you can analyze your baseline metrics, like open rates, to see which subject line performed the best. 

Beyond testing subject lines, you should apply A/B testing to determine:

  • Whether your subscribers are more drawn to emojis or not
  • Which kinds of graphic design and imagery deliver better engagement
  • What kind of call-to-action (CTA) button design drives higher volumes of clicks
  • Which CTA text drives higher conversion 

8. Broaden your Focus

Email marketing has a lot of potential and can help you expand your business, but in order to maximize the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns, you must consider every step of the sales funnel. 

Let’s say you own an e-commerce store. You should concentrate on generating new leads, nurturing existing leads, contacting customers with abandoned carts, sending welcome emails to your newest customers, and running your customary post-purchase campaigns during a typical week. To maximize the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns, carefully tailor each campaign to the stage that the prospect or customer is experiencing in the purchasing process. 

9. Personalize your emails

You may be surprised to know that 70% of brands don’t personalize emails. 

That statistic is even more startling when you consider that 91% of consumers say they are more likely to do business with a company that provides offers that are directly relevant to them. 

Do you see why personalization is such an important part of an effective email marketing strategy? 

Today, all businesses, regardless of size, should personalize their emails. It provides a more personalized customer service journey and is easy to do.

Take a look at how personalization works in the example below:

Simply using the contact’s first name in the subject line increases the likelihood of this email being opened significantly.

Here are some email personalization tips to consider:

  • Use subscriber names in the email subject line, greeting, and/or body. 
  • Promote content based on subscribers’ previous behavior.
  • Recommend products based on customers’ previous purchases.
  • Wish subscribers a happy birthday with a personalized coupon.
  • Send abandoned cart notifications to lock-in sales.
  • Streamline your sales funnel with automated, personalized messages.
  • Recap your client history.

In short, personalized emails are a digital marketer’s best friend. The opportunities are limitless, and the end result is happier, more engaged customers. What’s not to love?

10. Send emails at the best time 

The open rate of an email that comes in during the day will be very different from that of an email that comes in the middle of the night.

Think about when your subscribers are most likely to check their emails. If you want to catch them while they’re at work, sending your emails between 9 and 5 a.m. is more likely to be successful than sending them on a Saturday morning. 

Try different times to send your emails, and keep track of the open and click-through rates. Sendinblue has a special Send Time Optimization feature that uses a machine learning algorithm to find the best time to send to your specific audience.

In sum

You are in a better position to design and run successful email marketing campaigns now that you are armed with these effective and practical email marketing tips. Always keep in mind that email marketing is not a game of chance. You have to put certain systems and structures in place for you to see a good ROI. For more insights and email marketing tips, make sure to subscribe our newsletter.

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